Risograph training

The Risograph is a digital screen printing machine. A stencil screen is created in the machine and then prints are made. The machine we used does one color at a time. Multiple color prints must go through the machine multiple times, each color requiring a new screen. It's not a commonly used machine these days. Many schools have these treasures sitting away in a corner somewhere. The University of Utah Book Arts Program ran a training session on their machine. Now I'm able to schedule time on the machine and print whatever I would like to. Risograph Machines We were paired in to groups and given black and white images to put together to make a two color print during our training. I traded prints with a couple of other groups. Unfortunately I didn't write down the name of two who made this image. They were an author and artist if I remember correctly. The Bearded Jeweler , Ben Cosner , and his wife, Rebecca Stuhff, created this image. This is the print my partner, Phoeb...