Quilt Market/Festival: The Quilts

Of course the other reason to go to Quilt Market/Festival is to see THE QUILTS at the quilt show!  There are so many different types of quilts and I enjoyed them all!  There is so much talent present and I don't envy the job of being a judge in any of the shows.  I have a particular bias toward quilts, if you haven't noticed this yet then let me explain.  I do absolutely LOVE traditional quilts.  I appreciate ALL of the work that goes in to them, but the quilts that call to me from across the room are the ones usually classified in the art categories.   I love surface design and the abstract.  I love layered texture of color and design.  These types of quilts speak to me. Here are just a few of my favorites: (I've included links to the artist's pages where I could find one, so be sure to click on them and see their other fabulous work!)

Susan Shie's The Pie of Life: Page of Wooden Spoons in the Kitchen Tarot
I just love Susan Shie's whole cloth quilts in which she draws out her images using an airbrush pen, and then fills them full of words.  This quilt commemorates the life of Maya Angelou.  Here is a close-up to help you appreciate all the fine print.

This prize winning piece was just stunning!!!
Unknown Man by Marina Landi and Maria Lucia Azara
Kathy York is one of my favorite quilt artists, and people.  She is just awesome.  Kathy had a special exhibit in Houston this year with all of her quilts.  It was supreme!

Just Around The Corner, Kathy York
Two Wandering souls are just about to meet after a long meandering path of walking alone.
One Earth took a second place ribbon in the Art-Abstract, Small, category!
One Earth by Kathy York
From the Number 1 Train, Judith Plotner
Chaos 3, Kit Vincent
The Boundless Energy of Children, Ruth de Vos
Chasms 22, Beth Carney


Lynda said…
Lisa, Great to see all of these beautiful quilts. Thanks.

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