Quilt Market/Festival: Playing

Before all the fun of Quilt Market started we had a play day.  Judi pulled out her pfd fabrics, I mixed the dyes and Judy taught us how to dye using quart canning jars.  Something I will be doing again and again!

The fabrics were beautiful!
Just a few of the dyed fabrics after washing and drying.

In between Market and Festival we had a play day making Cyanotype fabrics.  No one in the group had tried this before so we were excited to give it all a try.  It was very simple as we started with fabric that was already pre-treated with the chemicals needed to create these sun-prints.
Awaiting instruction in Judi's beautiful studio.

Some of the ladies printed out images on transparency sheets, while others drew doodles.

I got carried away with the doodles.  The very top doodle that isn't fully in the photo is a collaboration between Judy Gula and I.
My doodles.

We set a sample piece outside, along with a transparency Judi made, and soon found out the wind was just a little too strong to set them outside.  Fortunately this piece was out long enough to be exposed.  It really doesn't take long.  The rest of the pieces we set up in the studio and left with the lights on overnight.

I just LOVE the way these came out!

Here are a few photos of Judi's incredible studio:

I am in love with flat drawers

And of course there was play time in the pool and spa

The ducks in the pool liked to follow us around. 
We wondered if they were secretly filming us.  LOL

And with all that playing we had to eat, and thanks to Liz, we ate very well.

AND I now have some yummy new recipes to use at home.


Lynda said…
What fun! Love the cyanotype fabrics. I've been wanting to try them! Glad you had a great time.

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