Quilt Market/Festival - The People

While away in Houston my phone decided to take a swim in the spa for a brief minute! After a day of dry out time, it finally took a charge again but it would not sync with my laptop in any way, shape or form.  I had no way to put photos on the blog without it!  I continued to try to get the phone to connect with my laptop every day in hopes that something would change - I know it's crazy to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a change BUT this time it worked!  One week later and my phone has decided to talk to the computer again and so NOW I may blog!

The days are kind of meshed together in my mind so I've decided to do several posts, each with a different theme, and since the most important part of Quilt Market and Festival are the people, I will start with them.

I caught this great photo of Iris, owner of Mistyfuse.
She is a passionate, wonderful woman and I cannot tell you how much I love her.  I'm not the only one who loves her as there was rarely a moment in the booth when someone wasn't stopping by to say Hi and give her a hug. Because of her passion, her products are supreme.  I'm very happy for the opportunities she has given me to work with her.

I finally got to meet my friends, Judi Hurwitt, Liz Kettle and Ruth Chandler in real life.  Judy Gula, Christine Vinh and I had already met when I travelled to DC last year.  I felt at home with this group of women and am so happy I had the opportunity to spend so much time with them.  I learned a lot about the quilt business, as well as some great recipes, and a new way to dye fabrics.
This was the last night we were all together.  It had been a long, exhausting, but fun week.
During Market and Festival I didn't get as many photos of friends as I would have liked (partly because of the phone taking a swim) but here are the few I have:
Deborah Boschert and Teri Lucas.
Mary Kerr
Kathy York and I in front of one of her magnificent quilts.
Catherine Redford
No idea what was making Carrie Bloomston and I laugh but I love the photo!
This dinner was fantastic because of the great company.  I really enjoyed getting to know everyone better.
Libby Williamson, Melanie Testa, me and Sandra Johnson at dinner.
Michelle Banton and I never took a photo together!  But I did get a few of her and Iris hard at work.

I can't seem to find the individual photos so I will post the collage.
Left side top: In the Mistyfuse booth with Sandra Johnson and Libby Willamson
Left side bottom: Iris Karp and Nysha Nelson
Right from top to bottom: Jennifer Gardner-Habicht
Amalia Morusiewicz
Desiree Habicht
Cecile Whatman

The other fun part of Market/Festival is the sightings of the "super stars" of the quilting world.  Kaffe Fassett, fabric designer extraordinaire, stopped by to learn about Mistyfuse and was very nice.

Another funny thing about Market and Festival is that I seemed to run in to the same people over and over, while on the other hand I knew there were certain people in the building that I never ran in to once!

I have a number of other posts that will be coming this week!  I hope it doesn't bore you.  Leave a comment and let me know what you like most when you meet up with your art tribe!


Ahhhh! I love remembering all of the great times!

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