Give Away Day

It is Give-Away-Day over at Sew Mama Sew once again and who doesn't LOVE a giveaway!  I love winning them as much as I love giving them so I'll be blog hopping through the lists as well.  This year I am giving away this lovely book, Modern Sewing Projects:

There are 16 wonderful projects you can make for your home or for fun.  One of the projects is a pattern I wrote for re-useable produce bags:
So to sweeten the pot a bit, I will throw in two small produce bags I made.
They are perfect to take to the farmers market, grocery store 
or use them as a project bag!

And if you would like to buy a larger produce bag, 
feel free to visit my etsy shop.

If you would like a chance at winning the book and bags, leave a comment with your email address and   your favorite thing to buy at the farmer's market.  I love the salt & pepper corn.  SO GOOD!
I will ship international so everyone is welcome to enter my giveaway.
The giveaway will remain open until May 10th.
I will notify the winner before the 12th.
Good luck and don't forget to go check out all the other giveaways listed at Sew Mama Sew.


Sylvia said…
I love these bags! I love it when fresh corn is available at the Farmer's Markets! MMMMmmmm! Brush with olive oil and roast them on the BBQ.
Sheila said…
Cheeses & posh sausages!
Anonymous said…
Great giveaway! I love buying local honey.
mcintoshsusan@hotmail dot com
Allison Sews said…
I love buying fresh produce at the farmers market
Skooks said…
I am always excited to get some fresh flowers for some wild bouquets as well as the vegetables of course!
Unknown said…
What a fun book! I just came back from my first trip to the market with soap for my daughter-in-laws birthday!
Gunilla said…
I love buying honey from local farmers, and some special smoked cheese from a vendor that sometimes turns up at the market! Thanks for this chance!
Sowing Stitches said…
I love to buy plants and strawberries at the farmers market!
sowingstitches [at]gmail [dot]com
Winky114 said…
My favorite is marionberry pie by the slice!
Joy said…
fresh sweet corn!
Anonymous said…
That looks like an interesting book! I like to buy strawberries ar any fresh berry that are sold :)
Gun, Sweden
Leo said…
I would have to google farmers market now - but I'm just guessing it's where farmers sell vegetable and the like ... well my favourite is asparagus, that's the one thing you can't buy in supermarkets and expect some sort of good taste.
Georgia said…
Ours has great pesto bread!
peachstateme at hotmail dot com
Natalie J said…
I love seeing all the fresh produce at the Farmers Market. I especially love avocados and bell peppers....that and fresh strawberries! :)
Amy said…
I love the giant baskets of berries at the farmer's market!
Debra Lee said…
The blackberries are the best!
Nanalee said…
Someone said I love these bags...:). Well I want these bags they look awesome! Peaches...all summer long!
Vicki H said…
I like getting cucumbers to make pickles.
Linda said…
I like to buy fresh veggies and berries at the farmer's market. Thanks for the chance to win.
OnePerfectDay said…
Thank you for the giveway!

Fresh fruit and vegies for me.
Bethany said…
I don't think that there is anything better then fresh corn on the cob....yummers.
Heather said…
Tomatoes, corn, herb. And honey if I can find it!
AnneM said…
Love your bags, Lisa. And I usually buy cantelope, beets and anaheim peppers.
Sewing Mom said…
I love buying produce! Can't wait for the farmer's market. Thanks for a chance to win.
Unknown said…
I love buying berries and cheese. My email is mnachlin at
amie said…
I love buying all the fresh produce! My email address is
Thanks for the chance to win!
Jo said…
I enjoy the bing cherries. Thanks for the chance to win your thoughtful prize
KT said…
I love buying the strawberries when they are in season mmmm
mary said…
I buy silver jewelry and flowers at my farmers market
Helen said…
I love to get anything that looks fresh and in-season! I'll cook and eat it all!
Laura said…
I love buying fresh fruit at the farmer's market!
Heidi Reads... said…
I love buying the fresh artisan bread! And lavender if they have it!
adriprints said…
I like buying apples at farmer's market. The local ones here have beautifully scrumptious apples, and also honey wine. Lovely blog!

Maroesja said…
I love fresh summerfruits
Gill said…
Cheese and soft fruits!
Donna said…
Peaches are my favorite to buy at the farmer's market! Your produce bags are fabulous!
jess said…
Lately I've been buying un-homogenised milk to make my own soft cheeses. Yum.
Cat G. said…
I love buying fruit in the summer.

Thanks! racergirl1313 AT hotmail DOT com
Tammy said…
I love to go buy fresh veggies. especially the tomaotes & cucumbers. I also love to buy fresh seasonal fruit. And fresh raw honey.
walklet said…
Tomatoes are my favorite! The produce bags look great.
VR said…
I love buying the ammish made cinnamon rolls. They are THE BEST! We also love buying fresh local berries and honey!
Lori said…
sadly I have never been to a farmers market. I am going to have to change that. What a wonderful give a way. Thanks for a chance.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the wonderful the bag.

Nicole said…
I love buying salad greens!
Jedi Craft Girl said…
Super cute! I love to buy everything at the farmers market...peaches in season, fresh corn, fresh greens, and fresh green beans!
Suzanne said…
Rocky Ford melons!
Christine S said…
Love getting fresh corn!
Anonymous said…
oh, this book is droolworthy! My favorite thing is definitely green beans. I love a pot of fresh green beans. :-)
Such a great giveaway. Thank You!
mugirl113 at gmail dot com
Kate said…
We buy eggs the most often -- they are so much better! Thanks for hosting!
Tamie said…
I love sweet corn from the farmer's market but really love a full vegetable dinner of all things fresh. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day.
heather said…
hi! fav thing at farmers' markets: the fresh & unique loaves of bread. love to give them as gifts... yummy! thanks for the giveaway! :)
Anonymous said…
My favorite thing so far this spring is rhubarb.
Hello from Minnesota! Sweet corn is a staple but we also buy our chicken, lamb, annuals, hot sauce, maple syrup and honey, and just about every sort of produce that grows locally. I cannot resist fresh-baked bread!
Marilize said…
What a great book and the produce bags are beautiful.

I love getting freshly baked goods at the markets. The pies are so much better than shop bought ones.

Thank you for a great giveaway and the chance to win.
Lia*s Handmades said…
Flowers and fresh fruits :)
Many thanks for the chance!
Anonymous said…
I love fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
Butterfly Eli said…
Wow, that's an awesome looking book! The table runner in the top corner looks really interesting!

Those produce bags are adorable! When I lived in NC, there was this goat cheese lady. She had AMAZING cheeses. My mouth still waters, just thinking about it!

The peaches that were available were also quite awesome!

Thanks for offering two prizes to win!
elizabeth.waligora at
Unknown said…
I really love the produce bags, would be perfect to take to the market with me.
Pam said…
So fun. I love farmers markets, because I always want to try new things.
Amy said…
I love the berries... they smell sooo good and are so much better than what you find in the stores.
Morgan said…
Greens of any sort - so so tasty.
Cozye said…
I love looking for anything we can't get at our supermarkets. Their fall squash is also the best! kcozart05 {at}
Kat said…
Oh, those look really useful!

We have an amazing guy at our local market who sells honey from his bees and gingerbread and other baked goods made with his honey. Delicious!
Unknown said…
I buy kale and french macaroons from our farmers market every week!
CarrieM said…
berriea and stone fruit
Unknown said…
Fresh green beans!!
Sallie said…
berries. Thanks for the great giveaway!
wooLynn said…
I love buying tomatoes and lettuce. Thanks for the giveaway!
Garilyn S said…
Strawberries!! Thanks for the chance to win!
kbzelazny said…
So cute! I buy anything that is fresh and in season-
jess said…
Oops! Thanks so much for letting me know my email wasn't showing up - I think I've fixed it now, but who knows! My email is jessblackstone (at) g mail dot com
Laura said…
our market isn't that big so I usually just buy squash. salt and pepper corn? What is that?
Willa said…
Corn. Cucumbers. Tomatoes.
Amy said…
Juicy tomatoes! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
Southern Gal said…
I buy local honey, butter, bread and some vegetables from the farmer's market.
Julie said…
Neat bags! Who couldn't use those!
tammi said…
The lettuce, cantaloupe, and strawberries are amazing at our farmers market! Love the produce bags!
JoyceLM said…
Tomatoes fresh out of the garden are my favorites. Thanks.
Sandra said…
We have a Farmer's Market on Saturdays so this would be just perfect. I would be so honored to a copy of your book. Will it be autographed? Hope so. Then it becomes a very prized possession. I like the idea of throwing in couple of re-usuable produce bags. Great idea. Thank you for the chance to win.

Sandi Timmons
Born4Travel said…
I love fresh strawberries at the farmers market most!
Tomatoes and sweet corn!
principeta said…
Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.Lovely giveaway,so generous of you.I love getting berrys.Have a lovely day.
Lourdes said…
I always buy a variety of things at the farmers market. But fresh tomatoes are always at the top of my list!!
lourdesfay at gmail dot com
AnnieK said…
Red new potatoes are my number one fave to get at our local market. They're soooooo delicious!
Ali said…
OH thank you for the giveaway! (and the reminder not to skip the farmers market so much this year!) My favorite thing to buy there are heirloom tomatoes, hands down!
Dreaming Monet said…
tomatoes, okra, tortillas, fresh herbs, seedlings, .... ! so many things!

thanks for the chance to win!
Brooke said…
I like to buy flower bouquets at the farmer's market. :)
Terry said…
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Pippa Parsons said…
ohhh I love the fresh cheeses
Anonymous said…
I love to get berries, especially the ones that are too tender for the supermarkets to bother with - loganberries, boysenberries, marionberries. Yum!
Cecilia said…
I love the ginormous, wild looking heads of cauliflower.. delicious!
Anonymous said…
What I love at my Farmer's Market is the honey - Local honey! Love it. This year there's a new vendor who's selling local pork. I haven't tried it yet, but I will soon! Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day - love your produce bags, especially! :)
Sarah_L_N said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah_L_N said…
Our Farmer's Market sometimes had the most amazing fudge stall, so many different flavours to chose from! Also a blueberry stall, garlic stall, the most amazing mushrooms! Hmm, we haven't been in ages, I'm wondering why not now!
Joanna said…
Definitely the corn! =D
Su-sieee! Mac said…
I've been wanting produce bags like these. I almost always buy strawberries at the Farmers Market.
Mary Ann said…
Love to buy watermelons and corn
Beth said…
Strawberries and bread
Lisa said…
Comlisajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com. A lot of what is at the farmers market is grown at my in-laws or our garden except for watermelons and little red potatoes both are my favorites! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! I could keep my little red potatoes in a market bag! Good luck with your etsy store!
Beth said…
All kinds of squash!
Fran said…
I love everything about farmers markets, it's so lovely to buy organic produce from the people who grow it. I particularly love the free range eggs, they are amazing! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Danielle said…
Those bags are genius!
Jeannie D said…
Oooooh lovely bags! The book looks interesting too! I CANNOT wait until the Bradley Tomatoes are ready at our Farmers Market here in TN...Cheers!
enbartlett said…
I love to buy local honey, fresh herbs, and pretty flowers!
Valerie said…
Strawberries. This book looks like a lot of fun!

Unknown said…
fresh vegetables!
elocose at
sandyandcosmo said…
I always buy fresh flowers and kettle corn!
Shirley said…
Once they're out I'll buy some pea pods.
Anonymous said…
I just stopped by the farmer's market today and bought tomato plants & pepper plants. Can't wait to grow my own!
Kathy H said…
My favorite is tomatoes.
Shanny said…
I am always on the hunt for apple wood. I have 4 bunnies that love to chew on apple wood!!
Sarah said…
We have a farm so I grow most of our veggies at home but I do like to buy fiddleheads during their short season.
Anonymous said…
We have just a tiny local farmer's market, but I can buy Amish baked goods, honey, blueberries, Hmong-grown vegetables and sometimes grass-fed beef. sweepluv09 at
Consuelo said…
I love the varieties of tomatoes! Thanks for the chance to win!
elflyn said…
I love to buy apples at the Farmer's Market we visit each week.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Jill R. said…
I love buying organic nectarines. So good!
queenopearls said…
Hi there! Just found your blog. Love your produce bags. I adore the organic tomatoes... and garlic.. elephant garlic, big and juicy like the tomatoes!
::: mouth watering :::
Have fun and thanks!
~Christina in Cleveland
Two Wednesdays said…
Our farmers markets are only once a month so it can be very variable. There is usually some good local honey and delicious bread that makes its way home with us though.
charlotte l said…
Love to buy cuckes to make pickles. Anything really! love the produce bags. Thanks
Susan said…
Organic veggies and grassfed meats - I love the market. thank you
Housewife59 said…
What a lovely giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I like to buy all sorts at the farmers markets, cheese, meat, honey.
Jayne said…
I love to buy fresh corn on the cob! cannot wait for that day!
jbsews said…
I love to buy any of the fresh veggies. And there are a couple of vendors at our local market that make homemade cinnamon die for!
Karrie said…
I don't go the to farmer's market...

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