Art and Soul Portland - Part Two

I had the opportunity to teach two stamp carving classes at Art and Soul.
The first class was a beginning stamp carving class.

The students did a great job!
The second class was learning how to create repeat carving stamps.

Darla's awesome designs.
Lara and her lovely designs.
Ruth's intricate designs.

And while everyone was busy designing and carving I made a stamp too.

The ladies in my Bojagi Fusion class were a lot of fun!  
They created some lovely pieces.

One day we had some free time and Kristin La Flame and Gerrie Congdon picked Liz Kettle and I up at the hotel to show us around a bit of Portland.

We visited Bolt. . . 
. . .where Liz easily found her favorite color.

We had a great lunch of Thai food followed by dessert at a cute coffee shop.

We also visited another beautiful shop called Modern Domestic.

My daughter loves plaid flannels so I had to get a photo of these!

Later that night I taught a class in SunLess Printing.

A fun technique I demonstrated on Quilting Arts TV.


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