
The weather here has been very wet and snowy this spring. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact, and using it as my excuse as to why I haven't put everything in the ground two weeks ago. Here it is May 31st and I've finally managed to get everything in. Actually I done worse - I remember planting tomatoes the second week of June one year and I still got plenty of tomatoes. I bought these zuchinni, yellow squash and bell peppers right before the last snow fell this month and other than a few frozen tips they seem to have made it through okay. Here are the bags of soil which I opened up, punched a bunch of holes in and planted with lettuce, cukes and beans. I will need to keep an extra eye on them for drying out with all this black plastic around. And here is the side yard on the south side of the house. Do you grow your own? Veggies I mean! What have you planted this year?