
I bought and read Dreaming From the Journal Page by Melanie Testa back in May.
I wrote a review on that you can read here.
There are a number of exercises in the book which I didn't feel I had time to complete when I first read it so I set the book aside on my nightstand with the idea that I would make the time for the exercises soon.   Well, the time has come.  I'm trying to work on my Sketchbook Project and thought I should do some exercises.

My first project: color wheels
Why color wheels?  They are such a basic project and always the first project you do in a beginner art class. I've made plenty of color wheels in the past but honestly I don't think you can ever do enough.  Each paint medium is different and more importantly the primary colors in each medium can come across differently.
A color wheel gives you a feel for each individual medium you use.
I started with a couple of paints I've been using on fabrics.
Daler Rowney FX Acrylic Inks. . .
 . . .and Jacquard Textile Color.
The paints work on paper so why not make color wheels on paper for my reference?!?
I want to do more color wheels using other mediums I have:  Derwent Inktense Colored Pencils and the watercolors I've had for 20 years or so.
OH and why not another with my watercolor crayons too!
There is always something fun to do in art!


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