Glue Batik Lesson

Another of my vacation-without-children-activities was using Elmer's washable gel glue as a resist for batiking.
I was amazed at how easy the glue was to use.
I've been fascinated with this image I found on The Graphics Fairy website. . .

. . .so I drew the image onto one of my ice parfait dyed fabrics with a pencil and then proceeded to paint over it with the glue.
 The important thing with batiking is to think in reverse.  You have to remember to paint the resist wherever you want the background to show through.
 I used a paint brush to paint the glue onto the larger areas and then set it aside for an hour or two to dry.
 I then painted over the top with Imperial purple procion dye.
And I could see on the back that it was going to be GORGEOUS!
I was so excited I forgot one VERY IMPORTANT step.
I didn't remember THIS VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL until I was driving home from an errand AFTER I had thrown the piece in the washing machine.
This is my finished piece.
I was so sad I almost cried.
All that work gone!
The image is still faintly there.  
I am not totally discouraged because using the glue was SO EASY! 
The gel glue worked so well as a resist and washed out without a problem.  
I know I will be using it again!


Bev said…
This looks like something fun to try! So sorry all that work went down the drain.....
Candied Fabrics said…
Martha Ginn said…
What a beautiful result of your adding glue for resist . . . ooops. Our lessons we learn the hard way stick with us, though, so I'll try to remember your experience and not repeat it.
Martha Ginn
Helen said…
Aaaaahhhhhh! Bet you won't do that again!
Anonymous said…
Awe, Lisa! sorry about no soda ash, but still a cool ghostly image! Happy Fourth!
Jennilyn said…
Ok, I went and bought pool stuff at wallmart--straight stuff, cheaper and faster than waiting to order on line, works, and easy to keep on hand when dying...we need to be next door neighbors!
Lisa Chin said…
That is the worst part Jennilyn! I HAD the soda ash and it was dissolved and sitting in a big bucket next to me! I just forgot to paint it on! Ugh. Lesson learned - I hope. And you are SO RIGHT about us needing to be neighbors! We could get into so much wonderful trouble together!!!!

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