Going for the Marble

As I was searching the internet for sketchbook ideas . . .one thing led to another which led to another which led to marbled paper.  I remembered reading about using inks on shaving cream to make marbled paper.  I didn't have instructions just a general sense of what I should do so instead of my usual hours spent researching before I do anything, I stepped out of my box and went for it.
1) A thick layer of cheap shaving cream on a plastic lid.
2) Drops of acrylic ink
3) Run the end of a paint brush through those drops to create a crazy pattern.
I was too excited creating to photograph the first try so these photos are of the second run.  The shaving cream wasn't as pristine but it still made a nice print!
The paper comes off the foam looking messed up.
OH NO did I totally mess it up?
Scrape off the shaving cream. . .
. . . and there is a pretty cool image.
The left is the first run and the right is the second run.
The paper is from the inside cover of my Sketchbook Project sketchbook.
I suppose I should have experimented more before trying it on something "so important" as the cover of my project sketchbook but sometimes you just have to go for it!


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