Mount Vernon Inspiration

Since we rented a car during this visit to DC we thought we should make our way out to visit George Washington's home at Mount Vernon.
The property is amazing and the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association who keeps up the home and property do an amazing job.
George and Martha Washington are buried on the property.

There is also a memorial to all the slaves buried on the property.  Unfortunately none of them have individual markers.
We also splurged and took the cruise along the Potomac at Mount Vernon.
Mount Vernon is in the background here.

 "The wind and Humidity WAS not kind to my hair"??? 
Do I know my grammar? 
The view of Mount Vernon from the river was gorgeous!

The cruise gave us a different view of the Washington Monument and the airport.
Fort Washington is just a little north of Mount Vernon on the Maryland side of the river.

 There was a lot of bird life along the river.
These Osprey built a nest on the buoy.
 And the seagulls love following the boats looking for treats in the water.
Inside the Education Center at Mount Vernon there was a display where scientists and artists used "unprecedented scientific processes involved in creating three life-size figures of Washington based on forensic anthropology."
This full sized wax figure of him at age 57 years old is what he would have looked like when he took the Oath as President of the United States.
I think he was a handsome man.
Not so sure about the long hair but I guess it was the fashion of the day.
Did you know George Washington was 6'3" tall?
And his wife, Martha, was only 4'11"
Such a wonderful love story.
Read Mount Vernon Love Story if you haven't already.  It is a well researched historical novel that will give you a new appreciation for the first president of the United States.


Martha Ginn said…
How wonderful to be reminded of our fascinating history. We took a driving trip from Mississippi to Washington, DC a few years ago and I enjoyed all the reminders you photographed! I am humbled to think of what our founding fathers went through. Didn't know M Washington was such a little woman, or that he was so tall! I'm glad you recommended the book.

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