The Sketchbook Project

 I received a small, but special, envelope in the mail today.
Inside were four little things. . .
 A 5"x7" plain sketchbook, a booklet of rules and instructions, a bright orange sketchbook sleeping bag and . . .
 a pencil made from reclaimed denim.
I don't recall where I first heard about The Sketchbook Project - probably from someone in The Sketchbook Challenge - but I was drawn in from the get-go. (oh that was a bad, unintended pun!)
The idea behind The Sketchbook Project is to bring together thousands of creative people around the world to form a traveling library of artists' books.  Once my book is full I send it to The Brooklyn Art Library where it will travel across the USA and then find a permanent house in the Library.
I am all about trying new things and stretching myself and this seemed like it was right up my alley. I joined The Sketchbook Challenge from the very beginning but have been terrible about following through on every challenge.  I've only posted on the Flickr site a couple of times but my enthusiasm for the project hasn't died.  I thought a project like this where I was accountable (my journal has to be mailed to The Brooklyn Art Library by January 15, 2013) and had a deadline would be helpful and productive.  However I just realized there is always a deadline with The Sketchbook Challenge and I'm still a slacker.  Ah!  What have I done?
I've taken the first step - that is what I've done!
I bought the journal and committed myself!
And I've taken the second step as well:
I've let everyone who reads my blog know I was participating.
That is perhaps the scary part because now I am even more accountable.
So - faithful and not-so-faithful readers - what shall I create first in my new sketchbook?


Kim Rae Nugent said…
Congratulations! You are the winner of my giveaway from the blog hop. please email Sue Bleiweiss.

with the name of the prize you’ve won (A 10yd combination package of Mistyfuse) and your mailing address.

Kim Rae Nugent

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