Gift Tag Challenge

I just finished up a few gift tags to send off to the Quilting Arts Gifts Readers Challenge.  One set was made using fabric I painted with a star stencil I made with my Silhouette Portrait and Gelli Plate.
And the other set are Snowflakes!
I created some snowflakes in my Silhouette program 
and cut them using the Portrait from one of my ice dyed fabrics 
and fused them onto white felt. 

The back is a red batik I love.  I really like these two and I think I will use the snowflake pattern again.
Are you going to participate and make some fiber gift tags to send in?  
You should!  
Follow this link to find out more.


Well, this looks like fun! I haven't made any tags but now I want to!!
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Bev said…
I like both designs, Lisa, but blue is my favorite color so I think I'm a little biased. Good luck!

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