Spring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop

Welcome to the 
Spring Clean Your Studio
 Blog Hop!
Do you know what inspires me to clean?
An episode of the reality TV show Hoarders.
Consider this post your own personal Hoarders episode.
It's not quite that bad,
but because I had a number of deadlines all come due at the same time
and because I had moved the studio upstairs without getting it fully in order,
my studio was a
great big mess!
So, spring or not, Hoarders episodes or not, I was motivated to clean!

And when the mood hits, I go with it!
The space that is suppose to be empty behind my sewing machine
was completely FULL.
The only reason the ironing board wasn't totally covered was because I had shoved everything into a giant pile at one end.
The space in front of the closet was three feet deep full of STUFF.
Stuff which I hadn't taken the time to separate and organize since I moved into the new studio THREE months ago. It was next to impossible to get to anything I needed in the closet and I had no idea what were in the piles. There was probably important stuff in there!
It really was time to CLEAN and ORGANIZE!
And so. . .
. . . I did.
It took the better part of 2 days 
and a trip to the store for a few extra storage bins 
but I think the results made it all worth the time away from creating.
There really was a table and ironing board under all that stuff!
The junk piled in front of the closet
was rediscovered and has now found good places to live.
 I added an over the door shoe organizer 
to take advantage of some unused space.  
The shoe slots turned out to be a great place 
to store some of my hand painted fabrics.
I also found it was a convenient place 
to put my Goddess Sheet, and water cups for the iron.
I rearranged the tubs above the cutting/quilting/painting table.
I have to kneel on the table or stand in a chair to reach the top shelf,
 but I now know everything that is up there.
I discovered some forgotten fabric and art postcards from friends in the pile by the closet and I thought, "These need to be out where I can admire them!" So up they went on the wall for inspiration.  They also work really well at covering up some of the banged up spots on the wall.
I found my favorite paint brushes.
And low and behold there was a sewing machine 
and chair under that pile of stuff!
Still a lot of stuff on the cork boards, 
but I find each piece there inspirational.
Some of it is waiting for me to decide which project to put it in.
Mister and I are finding the whole place very comfortable now, 
so I guess that means it is time. . .
. . . to get to work and mess it all up again!

If you are looking for some more cleaning inspiration, Cheryl Sleboda has organized a blog hop, so 
have a look at the other Hoppers who are celebrating 
Spring Clean Your Studio
by clicking on these links.

Who doesn't love spying looking at other peoples work areas?!?
I find I learn so much just by looking around.
Make sure to leave them a comment to let them know you stopped by!


Barb Forrister said…
Lisa, love your studio and especially the shoe holder on the door. Have been wanting to try that for fusibles, stabilizers and plastics. Fabulous idea!
Nancy said…
Well done!! Mister seems to enjoy a bit more "elbow room", too.
Carolyn B said…
Love your before and after photos - very inspiring! And Mister probably assumes you cleared off that space just for him? I was just discussing with a crafting friend that shows like Hoarders actually allow us to put off cleaning our spaces, because we tell ourselves "I'm not THAT bad (yet)" :D
Sylvia said…
Looking good my friend! Guess I should take a page from your book and finish arranging the crap,er, stuff that didn't get put away when I rearranged the furniture in November.
Joanna said…
Oooh I'm dying to get to mine. Since having my baby boy 20 months ago it's because a major dumping ground for clothes and toys he's outgrown (because there is a closet in there it's SUPPOSED to all go in but never gets sorted and binned properly). On top of that there are boxes still needing unpacking from when I moved the craftroom to the basement so to make room for my little guy and it's so messy that any crafting I do becomes a "take supplies out, craft elsewhere, dump supplies back in" This is very inspiring not just seeing the transformation in all these craft spaces but I'm tempted to host a studio clean up blog hop of my own! Thanks for sharing your space!
jeanne e. said…
your space cleans up nicely. :) over the door shoe holder thingy was a great idea for extra storage. (cute kitty, too.)

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