Sketchbook Part 3

 A number of pages in my sketchbook were filled with flowers. 

These drawings are always a way for me to unwind.

Not my favorite. Was experimenting with the swirl and didn't like how it came out, but it's just a sketchbook piece. Sketchbooks are for experiments.

Laura Kemshall suggested stitching on some pages, and putting oil pastel down as a resist. I wasn't sure where to go next so, flowers behind circles it became.

To fill or not to fill, that was the question. Obviously, I didn't go all in.

Black and white was good, but . . .

. . .sometimes it is fun to experiment with color too.

These flowers were inspired by the last of the flowers in my backyard. It was a lovely day in the fall and I took the cat out so he could roam while it was nice. I used an old stool as my table.


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