Sketchbook Part 5

 I like drawing simple buildings and creating imaginary cities. This blob, that honestly looks more like the Starship Enterprise or a sideways creature, than a city, challenged me to become a city on a mountain side. 

I took the challenge by watering down the dye and dragging it about to create the mountain, and then drew the city over the top. My friend, Sonja, said it reminded her of the Pussy Hats woman made and wore to the 2017 Women's March.

The left hand page started with a flipped replica of the Starship, and became a city on a red hill.

This page had a few beginnings. I didn't photograph each variation. Whatever was on there first, I really didn't like it so I painted it over with gesso, and then again with paint. I think that is how it went. Anyway, I loved the color combination, and painted a few pages in these colors.
Once I started drawing the city, I wasn't sure if it would fill up the entire page. When I got to this point, I thought it might be nice to paint something that looked like a sunset in the center, but I didn't have my paint with me. I decided I would wait, but when I went back to the pages they said they were done.

This page started with random strokes to use up some left over paint. The paints mixed on the brush giving me something that looked like the red rocks of southern Utah.

I added blue clouds and it too, told me it was done. Not as happy with the clouds as I am with the mountains but I really love the mountains. I don't know if I could repeat them if I tried.

Since we've ventured outside of the cities. . .this forest was inspired by some blue drips and drops that had made their way on to the page with the dyes. 

Another secret forest inspired by drips and blobs.

I think there are some critters hiding in the sides there.

More blob inspired trees. What a surprise.

A few extra highlights later and now I'm calling it done.
I suppose it could be a before people, and after.

My favorite page in the entire sketchbook.
I think it's the bend in the trunk, the warm colors and just the simplicity of it all.
Somehow I missed this page when I made the video which I will publish in my last post. Maybe I need to remake the video while I'm at it.


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