Ice Dye Parfait Loveliness

I set up a dye station outside for the summer.
The "shelving unit" was on top of my daughter's dresser but she decided she just collected too much stuff in it.  It's been on the patio all winter and I decided to put it to use.
The dye station is pretty ugly but it works.
 I wanted to try out dyeing some bigger pieces using the method I read about in Quilting Arts Magazine.  I decided to try a loose fold and roll on the pieces in the glass vase and the usual crumple method on the bigger pieces in the tub.
Mister had to check it out but after one sniff he knew this stuff was dangerous for him and was out of there.
When I ice dye large pieces I use a grate under the fabric to allow all the water to flow down and not puddle.
I decided to try it with a couple layers.
But I wondered if it would work with 2 pieces on top because the ice kept falling and you need the ice to melt on the fabric to spread the dye powder.
So I moved it into the tub.
I had a one yard piece on the bottom and half yard piece on top.
 I then made another parfait in my largest glass container.
 Three half yard pieces.

 And then I found another fat quarter but I was out of the nice ice so I grabbed some big ice from the fridge piled it on top. 

Here's the fabric after the ice melted and before it was rinsed and washed.

And now for the reveal:
This is the one yard piece. . .
 The piece on the left is from the glass vase and the right was on top of the one yard piece.
 These two were also in the glass vase.
 This is the piece I threw on top in the glass vase.
Each is unique and beautiful but I think I am preferring the pieces that are scrunched as opposed to the folded.
Which are your favorite?


Janet Jo Smith said…
Very nice. Thanks for posting.
jacqm said…
AWESOME stuff!! i love the scrunchies, but the rolled certainly has some possibilities-it will give you more of a semi- patterned repeat which could be really cool.
i cant wait to try this! first i have to dig out my studio and dyes!
Bev said…
Think I like the scrunchy better. Kay & I just mixed a bunch of colors today...going to teach some ladies how to dye this week in ID. It's so much fun to see what patterns develop and the colors!
em's scrapbag said…
I like the scrunchy. It is all beautiful!
Thanks for the gorgeous pictures! I'm a fan of the scrunchies, but they are all beautiful.

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