What do you do?

What would you do when the only two children still at home go to camp for the week leaving you with hours and hours to do whatever you like?

Would you read a book while lounging on your settee?
That grin seems to say she has been reading a romance novel.
Or perhaps your style would be to head straight to the beauty parlor for a new hairdo and perhaps a mani/pedi too? 

Does anyone who reads this blog remember sitting under a hairdryer like this?
I do have a photo of myself, as a child, with a beehive hairdo. haha
That is a post for another time.
Or perhaps you're the athletic type and would like to put on your most fetching swim attire and head for the pool? Or an ocean if you live near one or have a giant poster of one like this lady and her pooch.

Maybe those things are just too much work and you would rather just take an uninterrupted nap?
That is if you can sleep with peacocks in your bedroom.
Personally the first thing I think of when the kids leave has to do with these dyes. . .
and lots of ice, paint, stencils, stamps and brushes!
And really, really getting my hands dirty. . .
 Although they don't look as dirty in these photos as they do in real life.
 Except for my purple thumbs.
This is AFTER I scrubbed my hands!
Maybe I should go see about a mani/pedi after all?
I wonder what they would think?
However, the real question I want to know the answer to is. . .
What do you do when you have free time?


Sylvia said…
You coulda put eyeballs on your thumbs for that last photo! You might have been able to convince me that aliens had landed! :)
Smallmans said…
Lucky you! I would sleep in, make myself my favorite dishes to eat and read a book. I would also invite a few friends over for dessert and a movie.

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