The Kindness Chronicles

A mother at the craft store was feeling flustered at what she called her child's "free spirit" and I reminded her that it is a quality that we greatly admire in adults.  She laughed and said "that's true!"  If nothing else it gave her a chuckle but I hoped it helped her to enjoy her child and think of him and his free spirit in a new way.

I love using my talents to help people.  Is it okay to enjoy being kind?  I think it is but sometimes it's best to remember to be kind when you really don't feel like it.  I volunteered to teach 20 young ladies how to make  pillowcases to take to camp.  The pattern is simple but it proved to be difficult for some.  I think the real kindness in this project came when mistakes were made and we all encouraged the young ladies that they did not ruin their pillowcase and that they were doing a great job.  I tore out a lot of stitches for them as I know this was always my least favorite job as a novice sewer.  Thankfully there were no tears shed by anyone (including me) and all of them made beautiful pillowcases. I hope they all have good memories from this experience!

What kindnesses have you done this month?  Or what did someone do for you that was simple but made all the difference in the world to you?  I'd love to hear about them in the comments section below.

And don't forget to stop by Lyric Kinard's blog Lyric Art and Jane LaFazio's blog Janeville to see what they have been up to this month and to find links to other bloggers participating in The Kindness Chronicles.  Maybe you will be inspired to join us next month!


Sylvia said…
A wonderful friend has encouraged me in trying to get out there more! I wasted/used up an entire morning of her time while trying to figure out pinterest. Thank you Lisa!

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