More Pattern - More Color!

I really had a great time in Carol's class however by the time Thursday afternoon hit I was overwhelmed with all the new information I was learning.  I had to step back and just watch for a little while.
There were so many beautiful colors and patterns all around!

I just had to sit and soak it all in!

That afternoon we also learned how to discharge and over-dye a t-shirt using a shibori pole.

 And how to make this cool design using thiox immersion discharging.

I pulled myself together after a good nights rest and did a little more work on the last day.  One of my favorite things I managed was this piece.  I had discharged it earlier in the week with thiox paste but the thiox wasn't strong enough.  Notice the lighter round shapes in the back ground?
So I pulled it out, threw some of the same washers on top along with some other circle shapes and sprayed it with DeColourant mist.
I think it looks like a few hundred galaxies far, far away.
I'm not sure if I will over-dye it or leave it as is.
Maybe just a little quilting is all it needs.

Timmy's studio, where the workshop was held, was a real treat.
 Between the 16 wonderful people I got to share the week with. . . 

 . . . the fantastic two level facility. . .
. . .and the beautiful surroundings, it was a very fun and unforgettable week!

Thanks Carol and USDG!
Let's do this again sometime soon!


Lynda said…
Wow!! I can't say anything else! Beautiful fabric. I'd love to have been there. Thanks for sharing.
Sylvia said…
You are so lucky to have been able to take this class! Love the end results!
Norma Schlager said…
It looks like a great class and you had some fabulous results. Love the "galaxy" fabric.
Regina B Dunn said…
Oh...Lucky, lucky, you! I hope to take a class with her someday. She is on a very short list of teachers I have waiting for the right time and location.
Diane in NH said…
Wonderful Fabric Art! I would have loved to have been a part of this, job well done!
Helen said…
Beautiful fabrics!

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