
One of my favorite projects from Carol Soderlund's class
was printing with Thiox in print paste.
I created a thermofax screen from a photo of a coneflower and used it in my printing.
I really like the texture.
It reminds me of a commercial batik.
The fabric on the left is the printed/discharged piece, and the fabric on the right is the original ice dyed fabric which I tore this piece off of.
I want to discharge the rest of the fabric!

 This piece was a fabric which I dyed by spreading the dye across with a big paint brush.  I didn't like it much but I am liking it even more with the discharged letters.
 I think I will throw some tangerine dye on top next.

 This is a piece I didn't like which I over-dyed with several blacks.  The color came out more purple than black.  I then used a circle thermofax screen and some 2 day old Thiox paste to put in a little texture.  The Thiox wasn't strong enough to take out all of the color but still did a great job of adding some interest to the piece.

 Here is another piece that I discharged at the same time as the purple piece above.
Not sure if this one is done yet.
I do really like it though.

This is a piece I discharged when the Thiox was fresh and then over-dyed to get the beautiful purples and pinks. 
Here's a close up.
We also learned to do Thiox immersion.
Here is Bev's piece which was first discharged with bleach, over-dyed, refolded and then put in the Thiox pot.  Awesome stuff!

More photos tomorrow!


Lynda said…
Wow! Never tried Thiox. Really neat and interesting results.
Laura said…
Do use the thiox outdoors? I've had some for a while and am kind of scared to try it!
Love the results! I'm not familiar with Thiox but I can see I need to be!
Diane in NH said…
Resist is soooo much fun! Beautiful fabric!

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