Wonderful Exhaustion

I feel like my brain is going to explode!
It is loaded and quickly working to process 
all the new information I learned this week in 
Carol Soderlund's Dyeing to Discharge class.
Carol gives so much information in her classes 
and run's a well organized and efficient class. 
I am truly amazed at what we were able to pack in to just one week.
It is no wonder I am exhausted!
At the end of today's class we walked outside to see this beautiful sight.
Of course the photo does not do the rainbow justice.
A rainbow across the whole sky!
I think it was a sign that we had had a fantastic, color filled week!

Thank you, Carol!
And a special thanks to everyone at USDG 
who put this workshop together!

Great job everyone!

Photos of the yumminess created in class will be posted next week.
I am too tired to do them justice tonight.
While I am recovering, please tell me about when you have had
the opportunity to exhaust yourself with wonderful!


Lynda said…
Can't wait to see what you did!! Rest up and then let's see all the beauties!

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