The Printed Fabric Bee

I am so excited to introduce you to 
The Printed Fabric Bee!

 Lynn Krawczyk and I have started a printed fabric exchange between ten textile artists and we are inviting everyone to follow along.  Each month, over the next year, a member of the group will choose a theme, making her the Queen, and then the members of the Hive will each create a piece of fabric based upon her choices.  In the end, each member will have a collection of custom made fabric from all the members of the Hive.

We will be posting about our fabric creations each month on our Facebook page.  I hope you will like our page and follow along!

The members of the group (according to when they will be Queen) are:

Julie Bassechess Booth:

Susan Purney Mark:

Our first months theme will be: Orange Circles. . .

hmmm what will I do???


Sounds like fun, but I really hope you (and the others)post things on your/their blog(s) because I do not do Facebook and won't be able to see the creations made. Who has time to blog, Facebook, Google connect, Tweet/Twitter and more and still have time left to create, cook, clean, enjoy family and friends too? That's why I stick to blogging only because I spend too much time doing that alone, lol.

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