31 Days of Blogging

Cheryl Sleboda has created a challenge: 31 Days of Blogging.
Cool, sounds great.  
Wait, the challenge is for the month of December!?!?!  
Is she crazy?!?  
But, what is even more crazy is that I decided to join her and take the challenge.  I decided that if I can discipline myself to blog everyday through the craziest month in the year then perhaps I can learn to blog regularly through out 2016.  This is my goal in joining the challenge.
Plus, you know, I just needed something to do everyday.

Want to blog everyday and join along?
Click here to find out the details.

P.S.  What do you think of the new background on the blog?  I'm not sure if I like it yet.  I will have to see if it grows on me.


Sylvia said…
Good Luck my friend! I like the other background better.
Lynda said…
You are crazy!! I like this background. But then I liked the other one too!
Bethany Garner said…
Hi Lisa... you go girl! Background a bit busy, but I LOVE your work - you should keep it for December to keep your mind moving forward while you do 29 more days of blogging...
Bethany in Kingston ON

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