White, It's the New Back

I've played with the background of my blog for quite awhile.

Snow dyes?
This one is very bright! 
Maybe too exciting and distracting.
Blue Snow Dye?
More calming at least but the design was odd in a back ground.

I've actually spent hours changing the photos for the background and always ended up going back to this green, purple and blue ice dyed fabric.

A few weeks ago I started playing with other art. . .
 Um, not so much.  
Too hard to see in the background and it didn't tile well.
That was the problem with a lot of the art I tried.

Gear sun print? . . .
I gave it a couple weeks on the blog, but every time I went to my page I found myself distracted from the post by the background.

Today I went back to find something new. 
Finally, in frustration, I threw it all away and went with white.

I swear I have previewed white before, and I NEVER liked it, 
but today, I LOVE it!  
So classic white it is.
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.


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