Carrie Bloomston

While in Phoenix we decided to go to the Phoenix Flea Market.
There were a lot of beautiful booths there with many creative artists.
My girls loved the jewelry.
I loved a booth with beautiful leather bags, as well as another booth where the artist had created stereo speakers using old suitcases as the housing!  However my favorite booth was this one:
 Carrie Bloomston and I met online a few years ago when I first taught my Prayer Flag webinar. After the webinar I discovered she was a co-founder of The Happy Flag Project, and I gladly created some flags for the project. Carrie lives in the Phoenix area and I was excited to hear she would be selling her art and fabric scraps at the Phoenix Flea Market (she has two lines of fabric with Windham Fabrics).
I bought some of her fabric, and drooled over her art work.
 It was great to finally meet in person and get to visit for a little while too.
Carrie is such a lovely person.  
I'm grateful to call her a friend.


Lisa said…
That is so cool to meet in person! I'd live to get some of her fabrics too!

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