What do I do Now?

I finally found a new camera!

Now, what do I do?!?
I've been using point and shoots for years!  It has been 20 years since I took a photograph class and I don't remember f-stops and. . .and. . .and the other stuff.
This camera does have auto settings but I want to learn how to use it without those settings eventually.  I've been watching a lot of youtube videos. I'll get there!
I managed to take a few photos at Thanksgiving I'm pleased with:

The camera will ultimately be used to photograph finished quilts and create tutorials.
I'm still working out how that will be done, and I'll discuss it in tomorrow's blog post.


Jo Vandermey said…
I have the same camera but an older model. I love it! My daughter and niece have it too!
I took a photoshop course from the pixel ladies and this also helped with my editing of my photos. It was one of the best courses I have every taken.
Enjoy your camera.
Vivien Zepf said…
I love my Nikon camera and I'm sure you will too.

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