How will I set up my Film Studio?
I will be using my new camera to photograph finished quilts and video tutorials. I'm in the market for a tripod (I really like this one) but I also want to figure out something for filming overhead.

It might be possible to film overhead, upside down with the tripod and then flip the video in iMovie but then again I might want something else.

It might be possible to film overhead, upside down with the tripod and then flip the video in iMovie but then again I might want something else.
I was leaning toward purchasing the Manfrotto double articulated arm with a clip attached to my overhead bookshelf until I started seeing some really fun and creative set ups on youtube. Here are a few of my favorites:
This one almost makes me wish my craft room was still in an unfinished basement.
There are several cool rigs made with PVC pipes,
This is a very professional set up with arms and lights and all.
And this one is just plain simple and clever! If my work area were shorter I would do this!