Art Supply Shopping

 While on vacation last week I discovered Jerry's Artarama brick and mortar store in Phoenix.  I have shopped their online store so I had to stop and have a look around.
My daughter came with me and we had a great time!  
We both fell in love with these giant paintbrushes.
I really like Jacquard's Lumiere paints, so I bought a few more colors to try.

 I also bought another Catalyst mini blade.
The employees were very helpful and friendly.  One of the employees, Angela, used to live in the Salt Lake area. We really appreciated her help in finding what we were looking for. When we left the store my cheeks were hurting.  I realized as we drove away the pain was because I had been smiling the entire time I was in the store.


Vivien Zepf said…
Supply shopping sounds lovely. Haven't done it in a while and now you've whet my appetite. Good luck with the 31 day challenge!
Lisa said…
Sooo much fun!!!

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