Christmas Stamps from Leftovers

Another set of stamps from left over bits for Day 7 of Carve December.
These leftovers are from the Celtic knot stamp. 
I thought they could be little evergreen Christmas trees.

My daughter thought they looked like mountains.  
I decided to try her idea out first:

Yup, cute little mountains!
But they also make cute trees when you add a few more little bits to them.
I carved a star, and lots of little presents and added more details with a micron pen.
The little bits are pretty wonky but they do a nice job!


Dee Spillane said…
So cute. I think the would also make great roofs for little houses. Love them.
Lisa Chin said…
Great idea Denise! I will need to give that a try!
Margaret Cooter said…
Seeing the mountains, I thought of a village ... and want to make my own stamps, and village!

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