Last Day of Blog Challenge

This is the end of the 31 Days of Blogging Challenge.  I am grateful to Cheryl Sleboda for the kick in the pants!  I needed it.  I am pleased with myself for having completed the challenge, as well as the Carve December challenge.  Carve December helped me make sure I had something to blog about everyday!  I hope you aren't tired of stamp posts because I have a few more to share here and in future posts.  I haven't been able to stop carving!  I'll also do a post on the materials I have been using as well as some great resources for learning more about stamp carving. 

I promise I will be blogging about things other than stamp carving in 2016.  2016 is a big year in my family as well as in my career.  Family wise, my son is getting married and graduating with his PhD all in the same weekend and to top things off, he and his fiancé will make my husband and I grandparents!!!  Career wise, I will have a couple of appearances on QATV (check your local PBS station for Season 1700 and 1800), at least one article in Quilting Arts Magazine, a pattern in Fon's and Porter Quilting Quickly, and Quilt Market will be in my backyard (figuratively speaking) in May! I will be working at Quilt Market and hope to meet lots of my online friends in person for the first time as well as see old friends.  Yes, it will be a busy year!

In the meantime here are the last two stamps for Carve December!

Day 30:  This is my new favorite!

Day 31: One more "Quilty" Stamp


jenclair said…
I've thoroughly enjoyed your month of stamp carving! Sounds like 2016 is going to be a wonderful year full of blessings and opportunities. Happy New Year!
Gerrie said…
I am so impressed with your stamp carving. Really awesome. That last stamp with the scissors is the bomb.
Gill said…
Day 30 is my new favourite too!

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